Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Subjectivity and Dynamic of Leadership †

Question: Discuss about the Subjectivity and Dynamic of Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Leaders play a very important role in the organization as well as in the whole world. Most of the countries are democratic in nature and thus they require an effective leader to lead the country. Even the businesses are experiencing the nature of democracy and the employee opinions are becoming the important part to be considered. Without a good leaders and an effective leadership, there is no sense of having a good team. This is because of the team is not directed to work in a particular path that is correct; the efforts made by them will always waste. There are many definition that has been given to the concept of leader and leadership, but the crux of all the definitions suggests that leadership is the ability of the person to lead others and to guide them in order to show them the path on which they have to go so as to achieve the individual as well as organizational objectives. It has been analysed that there are many other situational context that needs to be considered at the time of leadership or leading others. This is because there are contingencies that affect the decision making process of the leaders at times. This is the quality of the good leader to handle the situation at its bet. This is because situations are the most important factors that affect the use of power of the leaders at the great extent. There are different theories that are kinks with leadership since years. The development of the businesses and the change in the skills and the demands of the market require different types of leadership (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). These are the situations that have evolved the leadership theories from years. The first theory that has been discussed formally about the leadership is the trait theory. This theory suggests that leaders are born and cannot be made. According to this theory, there are some characteristics and habits of good leaders that differentiate them from the ordinary leaders and these characteristics are believed to be in them since they were born. The concept of believing that leaders are born and the leadership skills are innate has dominated the era before Second World War (Sipe Frick, 2015). There were different traits that has been identified as the trait for being a good leaders such as self-efficacy, dominance, intelligence etc. this theory was criticized by some of the theorists and suggests that there is no concern of situation in their theory. With this, two new theories evolved called as transformational and transactional leadership. Transactional leadership is the leadership style that is believed to be worked as a contract between the leaders and the workers where the leaders makes the workers it work at the cost of rewarding them (Odumeru Ogbonna, 2013). It develops a work relationship between the leader and the workers. As per this theory, the leaders does not have some specific characterises but there have to develop the system that needs to be followed by their workers. This theory has formed the basis of the new type of leadership that is transformational leaders in which along with the characteristics of making the system; the leaders also possess some of the characteristics such as charisma, influencing power and relationship devilment tactics. As per this leadership, the leaders have to be trustworthy and thus influence the workers to work according to their beliefs and styles. Transformational leadership at that time was found to be the leadership that needs to be followed by the ideal leaders because this deals with devilment of individual along with the development of organizations (Parris Peachey, 2013). One of the characteristics that have been mentioned in the transformational leadership is charisma which forms a new type of leadership known as charismatic leadership. This is the kind of leadership that has some core characteristics such as visionary and creative thinking, future prediction of the trends and empathy towards their colleagues (Schyns, Kiefer, Kerschreiter Tymon, 2011) This was also faced some kind of criticism because of no relation of charisma and performance. It has been argued that the dark side of charismatic leadership that the leaders hide the signs of negative personality that they possess and it becomes too late for the organization to judge their characteristics thus even this theory cannot be justifiable for explaining the characteristics of the good leader. It has been analysed that various theoires have been postulated by different authors related to the traits of the people or the leaders but it has been identified that no one theory can be implemnetd at all the situations (Winkler, 2010). This is because of the changing environment and the situations in the organizations. In todays time where the things are changing rapidly and the demands of the market is altering with a great pace, it has been evidenced that no single characteristics or the set of characteristics can be determined to be good leader. As discussed in the above section, it has been analysed that even the great leaders or the leadership theories that were thought to be very effective and perfect have faced criticism because of one or the other issues (Lynch, 2012). It has been analysed that there is one of leadership style that is servant leadership in which the research has not been conducted to that extent. This type of leadership believes in focusing on the needs of the subordinates. It is the leadership that believes in developing the relationship of trust and empathy with the leaders and treating them fairly. Most of the leadership these days are adopting this style so as to consider the views and opinions of the employees by empowering the employees to share their views (Komives, Dugan Owen, 2011). Another trait of characters as per the current situations and the current changing environment is emotional intelligence. It is very much required for the leader to have intelligence quotient along with emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the capabilities of the individual to assess own self in order to understand the situation of other people. Emotional intelligence includes five characterises that are self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills (Wampold Imel, 2015). These qualities need to be involved in the personality of the leader in order to understand the nature of self and also of other people. It has been argued that emotional intelligence is the personality trait that adds value to the leadership style of the leaders. It provides the capability to the leader to know about his own strengths and flaws so that he can easily manage to understand other emotional aspects as well (Jenkins, 2013). This also helps the leaders to regulate their emotions as per the situations. If a person is capable of knowing his emotions he can easily regulate the same when the situation arises. It is required by the leaders to have the regulation ability in order to show their emotions to an extent till it is required by the situations and not more or less than that. There are some characteristics that the subordinates look into their leaders and having those qualities make a leader a good leader. These qualities can be defined as asset of particular traits but they differ as per the requirements and needs of the subordinates as well as the situations (Warrick, 2011). Gaining accep tance as leaders among the democratic society is itself challenge for the leaders these days. This is because everyone has their own mind sets and requirements and thus it becomes hard for the leaders to consider the situations very person every time. There are different characteristics that have been expected out of the leaders. Communication is one of the most impacts of them. This is because if the leaders do not have the skills to communicate with the other person than it becomes very difficult to deal with the people and make them understand the directions to work properly. It has been concluded from the above discussion that it is not required to define the sets of characteristics of the leaders every time. It is required to understand the situation by the leaders before making any decisions to handle the same. There are some basic traits that make the persona good leader such as charisma, empathy, intelligence, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence these days (Maxwell, 2011). This is because the people are lot more sensitive these days. They need emotional as well as professional support at the workplace to perform efficiently. Thus, it is required by the person to have emotional connection with the subordinates so as to be the good leader. Considering the contingency and situation is very important aspect along with having great communication skills. References: Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Jenkins, R. (2013). What makes a good leader.The Chronicle of Higher Education. Komives, S. R., Dugan, J. P., Owen, J. E. (2011).The handbook for student leadership development. John Wiley Sons. Lynch, M. (2012).A guide to effective school leadership theories. Routledge. Maxwell, J. C. (2011).The 360 Degree Leader with Workbook: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization. Thomas Nelson Inc. Odumeru, J. A., Ogbonna, I. G. (2013). Transformational vs. transactional leadership theories: Evidence in literature.International Review of Management and Business Research,2(2), 355. Schyns, B., Kiefer, T., Kerschreiter, R., Tymon, A. (2011). Teaching implicit leadership theories to develop leaders and leadership: How and why it can make a difference.Academy of Management Learning Education,10(3), 397-408. Warrick, D. D. (2011). The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating transformational leadership and organization development.Journal of leadership, Accountability, and Ethics,8(5), 11-26. Winkler, I. (2010).Contemporary leadership theories: Enhancing the understanding of the complexity, subjectivity and dynamic of leadership. Springer Science Business Media. Parris, D. L., Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts.Journal of business ethics,113(3), 377-393. Sipe, J. W., Frick, D. M. (2015).Seven pillars of servant leadership: Practicing the wisdom of leading by serving. Paulist Press.

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